Glass Window
Glowing Christmas Lights

Nell J Delaney


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On the eve of Lucky's 16th birthday, her ex-stepcousin Darren arrives. Lucky hasn't seen him in years, and while he is far better looking than she remembers, she's not thrilled when her mom, Budgie, says he'll be living with them until he finishes high school. Suddenly their trailer feels so much smaller.

Darren's arrival doesn't just change things, it's life-altering. The lottery ticket he gives her for her birthday wins the jackpot. Budgie is the only one old enough to claim the money, and immediately after they work out the details of splitting it between the three of them, she decides to take an extended vacation – without Lucky.

Being super rich makes life different, but not exactly easier. While the new house is amazing, Darren isn't a considerate roommate. She could handle his messiness and noise, but she doesn't like being propositioned by his late-night guests. Making it worse is that her mom has lost all interest in her.

When Lucky meets Darren's cousin Walker, her feelings on what family means begin to change. He isn't fazed by her money or her living situation. When she's with him and his family, it doesn’t matter that her mom won’t answer her calls, that people want to befriend her just to meet Darren, that she’s whispered about in school.

But Walker lives in California, and Lucky doesn't want to come between his friendship with Darren. She'll do whatever it takes to make it all work out.

Love and family look far different than what Lucky thought it’d be.

Nell J Delaney 2024

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